How to modify the Confluence original Skin for Ouya

Sun 15 March 2015


I wanted to apply the same modification I made in my previous article to add a shutdown entry to the Exit menu.

Standard Menu

I started by looking for the DialogButtonMenu.xml file as I did with the windows box, but it seems that Ouya (and Android in general) don't store their apk installation files in the sdcard.

I tried to search on the Internet on where to find the xbmc fils (in my case, it was SPMC a fork to add some enhancements), and I found out, that it's stored in the /data folder, espacially in :


But to get there, first you need to root the Ouya, and access with either ftp, or adb (or some other fancy way). For my case, I installed DroidFtp server, to gain an easy access with my FileZilla client.

I modified the DialogButtonMenu.xml file by inserting this snippet of code before the Control node with id=14. Just make sure, also to modify id, to respect the order:

<control type="button" id="14">             
    <description>Shutdown NAS button</description>
    <texturefocus border="25,5,25,5">ShutdownButtonFocus.png</texturefocus>
    <texturenofocus border="25,5,25,5">ShutdownButtonNoFocus.png</texturenofocus>
    <label>Shutdwon NAS</label>             

And here's the final result on my SPMC 14.2, with the added entry to shutdown my NAS :


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